Taking a Break From Publishing Until January

Note: This is only a break from publishing. I still plan to be writing during this time.

For the past couple of months, I’ve been unable to shake off the feeling of being overwhelmed. No matter what I tried to adjust around my daily life, I couldn’t seem to work my way out of it. And then it occurred to me when I finished the first draft of One Enchanted Evening. I haven’t had a break from publishing books on a regular basis since 2015. And I’m exhausted. I need a vacation from publishing.

The writing part is no longer an issue. I got my enthusiasm back. The business angle, however, has taken its toll. I don’t have an assistant. I do all of this myself. In the past, I used to just write books, and then I published them once they were ready for the public. I didn’t plan out my publishing schedule.

Here’s what goes into the publishing side of things for each book:

  • If making a pre-order, then do that before or after book is completed
  • Create a Booklaunch page which gives information about the book with retailer links (useful if there’s have a pre-order), but this gives one link to send everyone to so it’s convenient
  • Hiring a cover artist or making the cover myself
  • Setting up the editors and beta readers to read over the book and working on an agreed-to-schedule
  • Doing blog posts and other social media stuff to let people know the book is coming
  • Making the email that will go out on release day
  • Making the special scene or epilogue to go with the new release to send out to email list (some authors do something like this, and I’m one of them). This takes a week for me to write since I have trouble coming up with this.
  • Work over final edits handed in by editors and beta readers
  • Format ebook
  • Upload ebook and fill out description page on retailer website and then check to make sure all of the ebook is there, and I upload on Amazon, Smashwords, and Google Play
  • Check each retailer (Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, iBooks, Google Play, Smashwords) and adding links to my blog (on my book page) and Booklaunch page (I update my website later)
  • Announce new release in the email, on my regular blog, my monthly blog, on social media, update my website, etc
  • Hire out for someone to format paperback or do it myself
  • Work on paperback cover or hire cover artist to do this
  • Upload the paperback book to Kindle Direct Publishing (used to be CreateSpace, but it’s all transferring to KDP now)
  • Buy paperback copy and check for errors
  • Buy paperback copies for beta readers

Anyway, today as I was thinking over having to go through all of that to get One Enchanted Evening out in October, I realized I didn’t have the energy to do all of that. I need to take a step back and give it all a rest.

I think the body gives us clues when it’s time to slow down. I don’t want to run myself ragged. While I’ve been doing good with getting regular sleep, avoiding bad foods, and spending time with my family on the weekends, I haven’t given myself enough time for exercise or to do anything for personal enjoyment (like reading some books that have been sitting on my shelf for the past year, or working on crossword puzzles, or just watching TV to let my mind decompress).

My goal is to get things going on the publishing side in December to get One Enchanted Evening ready for January. That allows me two and a half months to take some of the pressure off.

I’m afraid if I keep pushing myself on this publishing side, I’ll crash and burn. I just want to sit back and write for a while. So I’ll still be busy, but it’s a busy that energizes me instead of drains me. The business side drains me. I don’t mind having control over things, but it does require focus and time. I feel like I’ve been running in the “hurry up and get this book out” hamster wheel since the beginning of 2016. In addition to writing for passion, I guess I also need to stop the rushing to publish another book mindset.

The business side of writing greatly rewards authors who can get books out fast because it pays better than taking one’s time. That’s been especially true since 2014 or so. There was a shift that happened some point along that time period that made it harder and harder for indie authors to stay relevant unless they were constantly getting something new out there.

But sometimes people have to make hard decisions. Money is nice, but killing oneself to get more of it isn’t a good way to pursue things. I need to prioritize things in their proper place. God, my family, and my health have to come before the publishing stuff. (Some might say that putting my health before family would be best, but I’m a mom, and I don’t think moms can do that. We tend to be people who will sacrifice ourselves for our children.) Anyway, if I don’t get my priorities right, I believe my stories will suffer for it. So it’s a good idea to hit the refresh button (or whatever you want to call it) and figure out a strategy to get things lined up in their proper order.

About Ruth Ann Nordin

Ruth Ann Nordin mainly writes historical western romances and Regencies. From time to time, she branches out to other genres, but her first love is historical romance. She lives in Omaha, Nebraska with her husband and a couple of children. To find out more about her books, go to https://ruthannnordinsbooks.wordpress.com/.
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13 Responses to Taking a Break From Publishing Until January

  1. Love this post! So many people think that to write, you just have to sit down at your desk, put your fingers on the keys, and almost before you can blink – magically! – there’s the book! LOL. My kids are like that. So what if they interrupt me forty-thousand times while I’m trying to write a scene? I’m just writing.

    But that’s the easiest part of an author’s job. To be an indie in this day and age, publishing and marketing ARE draining. To the point where scrubbing toilets and tubs seems more appealing some days. So if it’s starting to get to you … definitely take some time to take care of you. Because you can burn out, and it’s a lot harder to ‘come back’ after you’re pushed yourself too far than it is to step back and take the time you need once you realize it’s GOING to happen if you don’t.

    Enjoy the vacation. All the stores and readers will still be here when you get back to publishing. 🙂

    • Oh yes on the constant interruptions! It’s horrible when someone else is around and don’t understand you need time to write. Once you get out of “the zone”, it’s tough as nails to get back into it. And the publishing and marketing parts are draining. I can see the appeal of using a publisher to handle the publishing side, but it’s always going to be up to the author to do the marketing. I’d rather do the publishing part, to be honest. Some authors make marketing look easy, but I feel like an awkward nerd in a room full of popular kids. 🙂

      I think my next step should be social media and email blackout days. These would be days I dedicate exclusively to writing. Right now I’m trying to get an idea of how many to take.

      I do agree that taking a vacation before burning out is a lot easier than crashing and trying to come back afterwards. My hope is that this will prevent burn out. *fingers crossed*

  2. Liz Joyce says:

    I’m glad you are making yourself a priority. Enjoy your creative time and your downtime.

  3. Lisa Schmidt-Ringsby says:

    Enjoy your well earned and deserved break. Pamper yourself a bit, read some books you have most likely piled up, do something silly just for you and above all…HAVE FUN!!! ❤

    • Thanks, Lisa! One of my goals is to make it to the town nearby to take pictures of the fall leaves since they’re changing now. I’ll have to get creative on other ideas. 🙂 I haven’t taken a vacation in so long that I’m not even sure what to do with myself. I got so used to working all the time. LOL

  4. Do what you need to do. If it allows you to do what you love without getting burnout or disenchanted, then go for it. Enjoy the break!

  5. I think you have your priorities in the right order. I think doing this will pay off in the long run.

    • I think so, too, which is why I had to convince myself to do it. If I’m not working, I feel like I’m wasting time. This weekend, I actually sat down and watched some movies. (I did have to break down and tweak some old covers and get books ready for Google Play, but those were things that are more autopilot.)

  6. Susan A Layton says:

    I’m glad you’re taking a break. I know how much work goes into doing this and sometimes we have to take a break to keep from completely burning out. Those of us that love you and the stories you give us will wait for the book to come out. And when you need to take a break we understand.

    • Thanks, Susan! Sometimes I look at all of the work other authors do (with layering their ads around their release dates, the giveaways they run, how many more books they put out than I do), and I don’t know how they do it. I thought I worked pretty fast, but they put me to shame. It’s hard not to feel guilty for not doing more. I think that has been my hardest obstacle in the whole thing. In this fast-paced industry, I feel like I’m never doing enough. I know that’s faulty thinking, and it’s one I’m trying to break. One of my hopes is that taking the vacation will help me understand WHY breaks are good.

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