The Earl’s Jilted Bride (Marriage by Obligation Series: Book 3)

This is the 3rd book in the Marriage by Obligation Series.

Secret Admirer ebook cover Midnight Wedding ebook cover The Earl's Jilted Bride ebook cover Worth the Risk ebook cover anyone-but-you-ebook-cover

Here’s the description:

Lady Carol was supposed to marry the Duke of Augustine. Then, shortly before the wedding, the duke committed suicide, citing her for the reason he couldn’t go on living anymore. While there was no love lost between them, her situation is not any better when her guardian threatens to send her off to a convent unless she finds someone else to marry. Marriage to a gentleman she barely knows is a risky venture, but with nothing to lose, she accepts Lord Wright’s hasty proposal.

Grant Carnel, Lord Wright, did everything he could to make everyone think he had a wonderful first marriage. He did it to protect the young child that isn’t really his. He is determined that no one learn the truth. Her life will be free from scandal. With his first wife gone, he is free to marry again. But marriage would mean opening up old wounds that he thought he left behind.

If interested, here is where you can find it:

Ebook Version


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Everand (used to be Scribd)

Audiobook (digital narration only)

Google Play


In Serialized Fiction Form
