Updates on What I’m Doing

Things are going great with my two works in progress. It’s so nice to have my enthusiasm for writing back. Taking it down to two books at a time has really helped. I also am allowing myself days off from writing even if I scheduled the day down as a “writing day” in advance. Like today, for instance. It was supposed to be a writing day, but things came about that made the morning crazy, so I’m not going to worry about it. Instead, I’m writing this blog post. đŸ˜€

Alright, so let me get to the meat and potatoes of this post.

I am halfway in Tagalong Bride.

I am still debating what to do with the hero’s sister. I know I’m going to base Book 2 off of her, but I am currently undecided as to who the hero will be. I can choose the rancher she’s supposed to marry (since she was a mail-order bride), or I can go with the deputy who has a big secondary character role in Tagalong Bride. I plan to bring in the Arizona rancher soon in Tagalong Bride. I’m hoping once he enters the picture, I’ll get an idea of what I want to do with him.

Also, someone had mentioned liking the older-than-average character finding their romance, and I want to do that in this series. I am just trying to figure out how to get this character involved.

As for the main story of Tagalong Bride, I’m very happy with how well things are going. I’m about to separate out the hero and heroine from the deputy who has been their guide up to now. I’m looking forward to that because I have some funny moments I expect to bring in that will be entertaining. The desert has all sorts of neat critters to work with when someone who is used to living in a city is exposed to them. The hero, it’s turning out, is the one who is far more squeamish than the heroine is, though I don’t expect her to be all that happy when confronted with a scorpion, either.

I’m getting close to the halfway point in Anyone But You.

Or at least I think I am. I’m not sure how long this will be. I’m at 23,000 words, and the hero and heroine have barely spoken to each other. The hero just let the heroine know she is welcome to put any of her things around the townhouse to make it “her” home, in addition to his, and she will take him up on that offer. Right away, I knew what object she would pick to put in the drawing room to test whether or not he’s serious in his offer. I won’t say what it is because I don’t want to spoil the book. I will say that what happened in Midnight Wedding will have some significance because of this object. I also believe this object will end up being the thing that will begin the transition from the heroine hating the hero to finding something redeemable about him.

Worth the Risk is in the final stages of edits.

I would like this out in May. *fingers crossed*

Janet Syas Nitsick and I made another post on our blog.

Open Discussion: “Well, that didn’t go as planned…”

This time, we discussed things that didn’t go as planned. I don’t know if anyone here would like to share their stories, but we would love to hear them if you have something on your mind. đŸ™‚

About Ruth Ann Nordin

Ruth Ann Nordin mainly writes historical western romances and Regencies. From time to time, she branches out to other genres, but her first love is historical romance. She lives in Omaha, Nebraska with her husband and a couple of children. To find out more about her books, go to https://ruthannnordinsbooks.wordpress.com/.
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2 Responses to Updates on What I’m Doing

  1. loveswolves2 says:

    Hi Ruth, sorry I’ve not kept in touch. I had to get a new tablet, other one die on me. I don’t have your email address anymore. Thank you so much for the books. Could you resend your email to me? Thank you! Miss talking to you. I hope you and family are doing well. Bonnie

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